Diablo 3 rebirth feature
Diablo 3 rebirth feature

diablo 3 rebirth feature

I don't know if it would be such a big development effort. A rebirth feature would let me bypass clicking the delete button. It was explained in the patch notes (2.4.0) when the feature was released: New Feature: Season Rebirth Transition seamlessly from Season to Season with the new Season Rebirth feature This option allows you to instantly transform a non-Seasonal hero to a fresh level 1 Season hero, maintaining their name and hours played.

diablo 3 rebirth feature

This one is just a personal oddity, but I also get attached to my characters and feel bad for deleting them. Blizzard has suggested Diablo 3s Rebirth feature could come to Diablo 4. I honestly don't think being able to create 2-3 extra remove-only stash tabs per league is an issue compared to how many tabs get created in the stash merge when the league ends.Īs has been said, the rebirth feature could retain all of the character state that does not affect stats or gameplay: /age, /played, /deaths (bonus points for separate counters in the current league), equipped MTX, NPC conversation state.

diablo 3 rebirth feature

Since you can only transfer 30-74 items (depending on their size and whether you have a character that can equip them) to mail at once and you have a maximum of three rebirths available per season, this puts a pretty hard limit to using it as additional item storage. Blizzard mail may have endless capacity but it also has limited duration.

Diablo 3 rebirth feature