Linux steam link
Linux steam link

Change your game difficulty.Steam Link is a hardware and software product developed by Valve Corporation for streaming Steam content from a personal computer or Steam Machine wirelessly to a mobile device or other monitor. Unlock Steam achievements! Compare statistics with your friends from the in-game leaderboards for whose the best survivor.Ĭustomise your world through the map island editor. If you’re looking for a challenge then take on one of the three bosses to obtain a wall trophy and a very important reward. Hunt, Fish, Trap, and Skin animals for food or kill to insert your dominance over the pacific islands. Dive for sunken shipwrecks, abandoned shelters from previous survivors, or search for rare sea creatures like whales.īuild and manage your farm with water management and plant growth cycles. If sailings not for you - fly in style by constructing a gyrocopter!Įxplore the procedurally generated world with no two islands the same. From a weak and flimsy palm frond shack to a solid clay brick house.Ĭustomise your own raft with sails, canopies, storage, anchors, boat motors, and more. With dozens of tiers and building pieces to choose from craft your very own home away from home. Harvesting, Craftsmanship, Cooking, Physical, and Hunting can all be levelled up for maximum efficiency or to unlock different crafting combinations. Items in your inventory and on the ground around you can all be crafted into something useful. Spears, Axes, Bows, Spearguns, and so much more can all be crafted through an interactive crafting menu or by the quick-craft selection wheel. Cure poisons, heal broken bones, and bandage bleeding to stay alive. Manage and monitor these vitals through an interactive survival watch. Stay sharp: hunger, thirst, and exposure conspire against you as you brave treacherous elements and the dangerous creatures of the Pacific. Alone, without any means to call for help, you must do what you can to survive.Įxplore underwater and on land as you hunt for supplies to craft the tools, weapons, and shelter you’ll need to stay alive.

linux steam link linux steam link

In the aftermath of a mysterious plane crash, you are stranded in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. About This Game TEST YOUR SURVIVAL SKILLS IN THIS OPEN WORLD ADVENTURE

Linux steam link