Survivors the quest watering can
Survivors the quest watering can

There are seven upgrades per faction and you can pick and choose as you like.

survivors the quest watering can

Generally, the Peacekeepers will give you more combat-oriented bonuses, while the Survivors will provide more movement-based bonuses. Due to this, they will provide various bonuses to you. That way you may use more than one finger to accomplish the task more proficiently.First off, the faction that you assign these to will start controlling that zone. You can set a keybind for mouse clicking so that you may macro this. If done swiftly, and precisely, you should be complete! Now that you've gotten all wet watering the plants first section, it's time to move to the second section.Ĭircle around her large carrots quickly, giving equal time to each one so that you don't over water one. This will be where the climax of all of your hard work of water-can tapping will be! Now it is time to hit the second base of plants. Timing your locations will prevent any downtime when going from section to section. Fran will be sure to let you know when it's time, so don't worry about that. If you get it correct, by the time you've traversed most of the first section it'll be time to hit the second section in which you've already prepared for. This is where the percisioned timing will into play. As you're doing this you will notice that the second section is right in front of you! Don't rush to it! Remember, take your time in the first section.Ĭontinue gliding through the first base of plants.

survivors the quest watering can

At this point you must turn around to hit section again, making sure it's good and wet before moving on. If you reach the end of the first section before Fran tells you move on, then you're doing good. Once you begin, glide through the first section of plants, whilst tapping your watering can as quickly as possible!ĭon't rush through plants too fast, but also, try not to go too slow! This usually involves guiding yourself through her large plants with precisioned timing. Comment by Bsmx93If you tap your watering can fast enough, you can usually finish her quest off on the second base of plants, avoiding having to water the huge melons all together.

Survivors the quest watering can